Become an LGD Supplier

Our community of expert suppliers works in collaboration with councils.

Together, they ensure our distribution meets user needs, is well maintained and is regularly improved and updated.

Any supplier committed to our core aims can join the community.

We have three supplier offers:

  • Certified Suppliers offer direct services to councils, such as development, accessibility, user research or content design (see below for more).
  • Supporting Partners are organisations that supply software or hosting solutions to councils, integrate well with LocalGov Drupal CMS or Microsites, and are trusted by councils. See our Supporting Partner page for more details.
  • Slack workspace access  - for all supplier types that want to join our Slack community.
It's a great opportunity to work on sites that directly impact local people in local councils, helping councils to save money that can then be spent on other council services.
Mark Conroy, The Confident


Certified Supplier subscriptions

Become a certified supplier and demonstrate your support for LocalGov Drupal, value-for-money public services, and the open source community.

It’s a fantastic opportunity to share your knowledge and experience with our community of tech experts from various disciplines across local authorities and fellow suppliers.

You’ll also gain access to council tech procurement professionals with a collective budget of over £100 million and benefit from preferential status on selected council procurements.


Certified and enhanced supplier benefits

Certified suppliers who contribute more to the project receive advance accreditation.

There are 4 tiers to our Certified Supplier programme. Pay a small fee for the standard certification, then contribute to the project to unlock additional benefits and enhanced contributor status.

See the benefits for each level on the table below.

  Gold Silver Bronze Base
Visibility and access
Unlimited users on our Slack Workspace
Program web badge with certified supplier level on LGD profile Gold  Silver Bronze
Program web badge for organisations's marketing materials Gold Silver Bronze
Logo on 'Intro to LocalGov Drupal for councils' slide deck Large Medium Small  
Events and networking
Attend online community meetups
Run a session at LGD Week
Attend in-person LocalGov Drupal events 3 free tickets 2 free tickets 1 free ticket  
First option to present at LGD community meet ups and events  
Case study on the LGD website 3 per year 2 per year 1 per year  
Featured study on the homepage 2 per year 1 per year    
Thank you post on Linkedin and in our newsletter
Enhanced engagement with LocalGov Drupal on our social media channels 
(re-post of Linkedin posts that mention LGD) 
Lead generation & marketing
Exclusive listing on Certified Suppliers page
Verified letter of recommendation from LGD for RFPs  
Early access to sponsorship opportunities Priority
Sponsorship discount on events 15% 10% 5%  
Priority weighting on bids for future Open Digital Cooperative contracts        
Governance and influence
Eligible for membership to Open Digital Cooperative
Join our Subscriber Group. 
A private subscriber channel on Slack that acts as an advisory body for the project.


How the enhanced accreditation system works

Certified Suppliers have the option to contribute to LocalGov Drupal in return for enhanced accreditation.  This uses a credit based system.

We use the Drupal Association’s system to track contributions and attribute credits.  We then add our own custom weightings.

The more credits gained the higher the accreditation band.


Tier Credits 
Gold 300
Silver 100
Bronze 50

NB. we are currently finalising the credit system and weightings so these figures may change.

How to gain credits and accreditation

  • Create a new issue in the LocalGov Drupal Project on 

  • Describe details of the contribution, including links where possible. 

  • A project maintainer assesses this, and a credit is issued when the issue is closed. 

Accreditation is reviewed quarterly, based on the last 12 months of credits. 

There are lots of ways to contribute. We give credits for work on governance, development, accessibility, documentation, user research, design, and case studies, and much more. 

A more detailed explanation is available on our guidance to contributions page (coming soon).


Certified Supplier Subscription Fees

You can become a Certified Supplier by paying an annual subscription fee. The fee is on a sliding scale based on your FTE staff size (including contractors). 

Total Number of FTE 

employees & contractors

Annual  fee (max,ex VAT)
1-2 £700
3-10 £3,000
11-20 £6,000
21-50 £13,750
51+ £15,000

We have a simple spreadsheet where you can find out how much you / your organisation will pay.

What this pays for

Financial contributions pay for a significant proportion of the continued development and support of LocalGov Drupal products and community. Including:

  • Product and Technical Leadership
  • Coordination and management of the product backlog
  • Technical support for councils via Slack and Technical Drop-ins
  • Development of new features
  • Release management for core products (LocalGov Drupal and LocalGov Microsites) 
  • Maintenance of LGD infrastructure (LGD website, demo sites, docs site)
  • Organisation and facilitation of community meetups and working groups
  • Marketing and communication to potential new councils, suppliers and supporting partners and account management
  • Event management (LocalGov Drupalcamp / LocalGov Drupal Week)
  • Exploration of new markets and sectors such as NHS


Slack access only

Gain access to our Slack workspace (10 users) for a fixed fee. 

Fees are based on the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff  (including contractors) they employ.

Total Number of FTE 

employees & contractors

Annual  fee (ex VAT)
1-2 £150
3-5 £300
6-10 £500
11-20 £750
21-50 £1,250
51+ £2,000

If you decide to become a Certified Supplier in the middle of a year, then we will pro rata your subscription fee.



If you have any questions about our supplier offers please contact our Community Lead at


How to become a Certified Supplier

We know your time is precious, so the process is designed to be as lightweight as possible.

Drupal and dev agencies should be working with and recommended by a council and have a proven track record of Drupal contribution, including a profile and/ or evidence of speaking at or organising Drupal events.

To ensure that our council members receive the best possible service, we screen applications from suppliers before we allow them to sign up.

All subscribing suppliers have worked with and have been recommended by a council or Open Digital Cooperative.

1. Fill in our supplier interest form

2. Arrange an introductory meeting

We’ll schedule a 45-minute chat with an LGD team member to discuss your application. They’ll also give you an overview of the project and products and answer any initial questions you might have.

3. Agree to our Contributor Agreement

Our Contributor Agreement outlines what we expect of suppliers and what they can expect from us. 

4. Decide on subscription and possible membership

For those suppliers who want to become subscribers (and we hope that’s all of you), we’ll issue an invoice for your subscription fee and ask whether you’d like to also become a member of Open Digital Cooperative.

5. Announcement

Once the Contributor Agreement is signed and the subscription is paid, we’ll work with you to announce that you’ve joined the project on our website, social media and email newsletter.