Microsites Resources

Helpful resources and links for everyone using or interested in using our Microsites platform (BETA). 

Helpful resources and links for everyone using or interested in using our Microsites platform (BETA). 

If you have suggestions about improvements or spot anything missing, please let us know in the #feature-microsites channel on Slack, or email us at hello@localgovdrupal.org


Our Microsites platform is in the process of being documented. Find what you need on our docs site, with overviews, feature explanations and links to real-world examples:

We also have a YouTube channel that includes how-to videos, such as this set of guides to microsites.

Demonstration sites

We've created some example sites for a fictional council, Scarfolk Council. All are from a single install, to give you an idea of the flexibility of microsites. 

If you'd like to play with any or all of the sites, as a Controller, Admin or Editor, drop us a line to hello@localgovdrupal.org 

Or just grab the code and start using it!


All the releases can be found on Github

Bugs and Issues 

To report an issue with the platform please post it on Github or post in #product-microsites Slack channel. 

Product roadmap

See the roadmap for what features are being worked on, by whom and with what expected completion dates. There is no separate roadmap for Microsites, this is a combined roadmap with the core LocalGov CMS.


LocalGov Drupal is not a supplier, we do not carry out development work for councils. There are a number of great suppliers that have worked on it and are available to hire, and/or you can bring in your own agency or supplier.