Community Fund - Elections v.4 (and v.5 discovery)

The next version of our Elections module will support votes where more than one candidate can be elected in any single ward.

We’d also like to run a Discovery project on proportional representation (PR) and alternative voting systems for v.5.

View and download the current Elections module.


User need

Elections v.4 

As a content editor I need to create an election with multiple seats per ward so that we can accurately reflect the candidates being elected.

Currently the elections module only allows one winner per ward. But in some councils wards there are several winners, and we need to be able to show this.

The module also needs to allow some seats in a ward to be voted on, and not others. 

A typical scenario would be a council with 30 wards each with 3 candidates, where 2 candidates are up for election and the other one isn’t.

Our module doesn’t support PR types at all, so we need to consider how to display results in rounds and other formats.



Elections v.4

Gathering best practice either via a survey of LGD councils or an elections expert joining the work

Design time for the back end interface for content designers and front end display for citizens

Building the required functionality

Elections v.5

Discovery. Understand user needs and the costs around adding proportional representation and alternative voting system functionality.


Estimated Time/Costs

Elections v.4

The multiple seats per ward work is estimated at 5 days.

Elections v.5

The Alternative voting systems discovery is estimated at 3 days.


Total Costs

The Elections module was originally built by Cumberland Council and Rohallion so they are best placed to deliver this new work. 

Rohallion's day rate for this project is £695 +VAT.

This is 8 days in total = £5560 + VAT


Fund this work

If you’re interested please contact Will. Payment is likely to be made to Cumberland Council who will in turn pay Rohallion as needed.