Plan Alpha Systems launched the first Council Drupal website in 2008.
Plan Alpha has vast experience in systems integration, e.g. payments, waste-management (Whitespace) telecoms, and middleware.
They have developed and implemented a Drupal Enterprise-Council Customer-Relationship-Management-System.

Plan Alpha and LocalGov Drupal
LocalGov Drupal has enhanced the work done by thousands of Drupal technologists worldwide for two decades.
For years, the UK Government has implored the public sector to use open-source software whenever it can be shown to be better.
Open-source software is about communities of like-minded individuals collaborating, learning, developing, and assisting one another for the benefit of all.
The fact that there is now a dedicated open-source community means that LocalGov Drupal is the right choice for nearly all local authorities. Microsite capability is a real bonus.
We offer any council an unlimited test-and-development site at Pantheon. You can experiment with it as much as you like. If you want to start again with a new instance, that would be no problem. There is no charge or obligation for this try-it-out service.
We will also make our Drupal Enterprise CRM available for free when it is rewritten in Drupal 9x, 10 x etc.
Plan Alpha's work with councils.
Plan Alpha associates have been involved in consultancy and development roles with local authorities.
Over the last 20 years, we have worked with over 50% of UK local authorities. We have worked with over 15 authorities in Drupal consultancy and development engagements.