LocalGov Drupal at LocalGov Camp 2024

Thursday 26th September 2024 – STEAMhouse, Belmont Row, Birmingham, B4 7RQ
9.00am to 4.30pm


We'll be running three sessions at LocalGov Camp, and we'd love for participating councils to get involved. The event is free for all UK councils.


The three sessions we'll be running are:


Why more and more councils are using LocalGov Drupal

Time: 10:00am - 10:30am

Hear from councils participating in the LocalGov Drupal project. Learn why our CMS has transformed how councils approach content design and provide digital services.

Hear about:

  • our collaborative tools
  • how our CMS improves outcomes for users
  • how and why our collaboration works

This session is for Senior Managers, Product Managers and Content Designers.


How LocalGov Drupal continues to innovate

Time: 10:35am - 11:05am

Discover how we are innovating our digital ecosystem for the benefit of all councils. You’ll hear how councils have adapted our CMS for an open intranet and how we’re working with Netcall to integrate AI tools.

Hear about:

  • how our collaboration acts as a catalysis for innovation
  • how we work with councils and supporting partners to create integrations
  • how contributing councils and suppliers are innovating for the benefit of all councils

This session is for Senior Managers, Product Managers and Developers.


Technical drop-in

Time: 11:40am - 12:10pm

Come with your software development questions. We’ll be demoing and answering questions on:

  • hosting
  • out of the box
  • installing LGD
  • how microsites work
  • and more…

This session is for Product Owners and Developers working with or thinking of working with LocalGov Drupal.


Get involved

If you'd like to help out with any of the sessions (or would like to do something else with us), please email Tim.

Thanks to Annertech and Big Blue Door for contributing to the cost of exhibiting and to the sessions.

Find out more about the day and register on the PSDTF website.