Join our Slack community

One of the biggest benefits of LGD is our community, we have a private Slack workspace where people can share their work, ask questions or advice and of course celebrate successes! 

To join, simply fill out the form below and we’ll add you.

We recommend joining at least one of the following channels:

  • #group-content
  • #group-product
  • #group-technical
  • #showyourwork

If you haven’t used Slack before, then this short video will get you started.

How we add people to Slack


We grant access to our Slack channel to any council team member that requests it, regardless of whether their council use our platforms or not.

This is because we want to be as open as possible for councils and encourage them to become a part of our project.

Ultimately this project aims to improve our public services in a collaborative way and the more councils that experience our ways of working the bigger the positive impact for the sector.

We ask that councils inform us if they are no longer working with a non-subscribing supplier so that we can remove them from our channel.


Before we add any suppliers to Slack we ask that they fill in the supplier interest form, have a quick chat with us and sign the contributor agreement.

If the supplier is already working with a council that council can request that the supplier gets added to our Slack channel.

If we don’t receive a request from a council only subscribing suppliers will be added to the Slack channel.

We also ask that suppliers inform us when their team members move on so that we can remove them from Slack.



Re-order Name Job title What council or supplier agency are you from? Weight Operations
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