LocalGov Drupal is built on Drupal 10.
Our CMS is (almost) fully documented. Find what you need on our docs site, with overviews, feature explanations and links to real-world examples:
- Docs home
- Developer documentation
- Content designer documentation
- Downloadable starter pack for content designers
- Design documentation
We also have a YouTube channel that includes how-to videos, such as this set of guides to theming LocalGovDrupal and these content design video guides.
Knowsley Council have an open-access Pattern Library
LocalGov Drupal CMS Demo Site
Visit our Demo site at to see the different page types in action. The demo content is also part of the default installation.
Create your own demo / sandbox site
Annertech is currently offering a minimum of 6 months free LGD sandbox hosting as well as some consulting time to 10 councils who are currently trying to figure out whether LGD is for them.
Code Enigma is providing a free 30 day trial of LocalGov Drupal on AWS. You can use it to spin up your own installation as a risk-free sandbox to explore LocalGov Drupal and its features.
Research & UX
Evidence-based qualitative research is at the heart of LGD. Telltale Research has put together this helpful PDF download of core best practice UX guidelines for council sites.
Southwark Council and Big Blue Door have created an open design system based on the LocalGov Drupal distribution (this is highly customised for Southwark but a great starting point for councils).
All the releases of the core distribution and modules can be found on Github at
Bugs and Issues
To report an issue with the platform please post it on Github at or post in the relevant Slack channel.
Product roadmap
See the roadmap for what features are being worked on, by whom and with what expected completion dates.
LocalGov Drupal is not a supplier. We do not carry out development work for councils. There are a number of great suppliers that have worked on LGD and are available to hire, and/or you can bring in your own agency or supplier.