
microsites homepage comparison

Microsites: Sprint 5 Notes

With a few of the Microsites project team away, and some social engagements to enjoy, we still made steady progress in Sprint 5. Maria from Agile Collective tells us more...

21 July 2022
Miro board for user testing

Sprint 4 Notes - LocalGov Drupal: Microsites

User testing of the early prototype is complete!

In this sprint, we aimed to test the architecture and user experience of creating new microsites, assigning users, configuring the look and feel, and adding content to a page.

With 14 users across 5 councils lined up, we invited Kayo from Telltale Research as well as Steph and Rae from Agile Collective to explain how the work progressed.

28 June 2022
Microsites Jenkins

Microsites: Sprint 3 Notes

Tech Lead Finn Lewis with news of the latest microsite sprint, featuring updates on user testing, content types, and more.

16 June 2022
Access control is configured per-channel, with options to grant access to users with the module’s Access channels list permission, specific roles, specific users, or any combination of the above.

Using Entity Share with LocalGov Drupal

Cumbria Council explain how they are using a clever Drupal module called Entity Share to allow the checking of content on a staging website, and then pushing whole sections to live when they're ready.

7 June 2022
hand with a sticky note - usability testing

Sprint 2 Notes - LocalGov Drupal: Microsites

Sometimes sprint planning can take much longer than expected! Such was the case with sprint 2 planning. We reached the end of our two hour planning session with plenty more work to do to define user stories and other tasks in terms of clear acceptance criteria.

Finn, our Tech Lead, explains more...

18 May 2022
Microsites board

Sprint 1 Notes - LocalGov Drupal: Microsites

Finn and Richard tell us what happened in Sprint one of the Microsites project...

Sprint 1 started with a shift of energies. By sprint-end we had all rallied well and were able to demo a suite of decisions that gets us much closer to being able to start building. 

12 May 2022

Microsites Working Group updates

This is a regularly updated post containing information on our Microsites Working Group.

The aim is to keep everyone updated on the direction and progress of the work we’re doing.

2 March 2022